Dele las Gracias a Su Médico

¿Está satisfecho con los médicos de Zufall? ¿Le gustaría hacerles saber cuánto aprecia la atención que usted recibe?  Únase a nosotros el 30 de marzo para celebrar el Día del Médico, un evento anual para honrar a los profesionales de la salud que trabajan tan arduamente para mantenernos sanos. Haga clic aquí para mostrar su gratitud.   El Día Nacional del Médico se celebró por primera vez en Winder, Georgia, el 30 de...

Say Thank You to Your Provider

Are you happy with your Zufall providers? Would you like to let them know how much you appreciate the care you receive? On March 30, join with us in celebrating Provider’s Day, an annual observance to honor the health professionals who work so hard to keep us well. Click here to show your gratitude. National Doctor’s Day was first observed in Winder, Georgia, on March 30, 1933 when Eudora Brown Almond, the...

Two women masked outside of Zufall's Morristown site

A Message from Eva Turbiner, President and CEO: Zufall Needs Your Help on Giving Tuesday, November 30

For Zufall Health and its patients, it has been a very challenging two years. But, thanks to supporters like you, Zufall Health continues to combat COVID-19 with vaccinations, testing, and strategic outreach—all while maintaining our commitment to high-quality, affordable medical, dental, and behavioral health services for vulnerable New Jersey residents. We could not have made it through this difficult period without you. Yet so much work remains to create equal opportunity...

Public Charge: Things to Know flyer in Spanish

Una Carga Pública : ¿Qué hay que saber?

Una Carga Pública : ¿Qué hay que saber?

Los servicios que usted recibe en el Centro de Salud Zufall NO cuentan como una carga pública. Los cambios de las reglas de cargas públicas serán efectivos comenzando el 24 de febrero de 2020.

¿Qué es una carga pública?

Una persona que probablemente llegará a depender del gobierno para el apoyo financiero y/o material. 

Recordatorio sobre la privacidad de la información del paciente

Desde la elección presidencial, el foco de la atención pública ha sido en las decisiones y acciones del gobierno relacionadas con los inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos. Este aviso tiene como propósito aclarar ciertas dudas que pueden tener nuestros pacientes acerca de sus derechos y la privacidad de la información que Zufall tiene en su expediente médico.

Zufall Announces Winner of Colon Cancer Screening Challenge 2017

Congratulations to Altagracia Jimenez, the winner of the Zufall Health Colon Cancer Challenge. The lucky Dover resident was awarded $500 in ShopRite gift cards. Her name, along with all patients who were up-to-date on their colon cancer screenings by the end of 2017, were automatically entered into a free drawing.

“I’m really happy I had my screening and could win this prize”, said Ms Jimenez, who already has generous plans for some of her winnings. “First, I’m going to buy juice boxes for the children at my church and then I’m looking forward to sharing the prize to help my daughter.”