Important Information Regarding Patient Privacy at Zufall Health
There has been much public attention focused on government decisions and actions regarding immigrants in the United States. This notice addresses some concerns patients may have about their rights and the privacy of the information that Zufall has in your medical chart.
The information in your chart is completely confidential. We may share information with other medical providers to help you get the best health care. Generally, we will not share information with others unless you give us permission. There are very rare situations when we would be required to release some information, such as if we are presented with a valid court order. Even with a court order, Zufall would only release the specific elements of the health record that are required. Zufall Health will take every step necessary to keep as much information private as possible. Again, situations like this are extremely rare. According to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), health centers and hospitals are not priority locations for enforcement activities.
Nothing in the recent government actions has changed your being able to access services at Zufall Health or local hospitals. Zufall Health is your medical home and we encourage you to continue with your care as scheduled.
To read the Zufall Health Privacy Practices in full, please request a copy at the front desk or visit https://www.zufallhealth.org/privacy-notice/
If you need more information about immigration concerns, the organizations and websites listed below may be helpful.
Wind of the Spirit, Morristown, NJ – www.windofthespirit.net (973) 538-2035
Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs – www.hispanicaffairs.net (973) 366-4770
American Friends Service Committee – www.afsc.org/office/newark-nj (973) 643-1924
Immigration Legal Resource Center – www.ilrc.org
American Civil Liberties Union – www.aclu.org/issues/immigrants-rights