La Junta de Zufall Elige Nuevos Funcionarios

Michael O'Donnell, un destacado abogado de Nueva Jersey, ha sido elegido presidente de la Junta Directiva de Zufall Health, reemplazando a William Shuler, quien se desempeñó como presidente de la junta desde 2017.  O'Donnell, socio codirector del bufete de abogados Riker Danzig con sede en Morristown, está tomando el mando en un momento sin precedentes a medida que Zufall comienza a salir de la pandemia.  “Después de dos años difíciles, veo mi...

Zufall Board Elects New Officers

Michael O’Donnell, a prominent New Jersey attorney, has been elected chairman of the Zufall Health Board of Directors, succeeding William Shuler, who served as board chair since 2017. A co-managing partner at the Morristown-based Riker Danzig law firm, O’Donnell is taking the helm at an unprecedented time as Zufall begins to emerge from the pandemic. “After two difficult years, I view my tenure as an opportunity to provide strategic guidance and oversight...