Man receives a dental cleaning from a dental provider wearing a mask

El programa de residencia dental apoyado por HRSA comenzará en Zufall-Hackettstown en el 2024

Zufall Health se siente enorgullecido de ser la primera y única clínica médica en Nueva Jersey en recibir una subvención de planificación y desarrollo para centros de enseñanza de salud de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA). La agencia del Departamento de Salud y Servicios de los E.E.U.U. que mejor favorece el acceso a la asistencia médica para las poblaciones de bajos recursos médicos. Esta subvención apoyará...

Man receives a dental cleaning from a dental provider wearing a mask

HRSA-Supported Dental Residency Program to Begin at Zufall-Hackettstown in 2024

Zufall Health is proud to be the first and only health center in New Jersey to receive a Teaching Health Center Planning and Development grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), the agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Services that improves access to health care for medically vulnerably populations. The grant will support the development of a new accredited general dental residency program in Zufall’s Hackettstown...

Zufall Health recently hosted a delegation of high-level health officials from the People’s Republic of China headed by Wang Hersheng, Vice Minister of China’s National Health commission. The group, visiting the U.S. to attend a United Nations General Assembly meeting, was interested in touring the health center’s Dover site and learning about Zufall’s approach to primary care and community health. Pictured are the delegation members, representatives of the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Zufall senior staff.

China Delegation Visits Zufall Health to Learn About American Health Care

Dover, N.J — A delegation of high-level health officials from the People’s Republic of China recently visited Zufall Health Center in Dover for an up-close look at an American health center and to discuss Zufall’s approach to primary care and community health.

Wang Hesheng, Vice Minister of China’s National Health Commission, and his six-member team were in the United States to attend a United Nations General Assembly meeting. Accompanying them on their Zufall visit was Thomas Engels, Acting Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Thursday, February 6: Due to dangerous weather conditions, all Zufall Health offices will delay opening until 10:00 am. We will contact patients with affected appointments to reschedule.

Jueves 6 de febrero: Debido a las condiciones climáticas peligrosas, todas las oficinas de Zufall Health retrasarán la apertura hasta las 10:00 am. Nos comunicaremos con los pacientes con citas afectadas para reprogramarlas.