Zufall Health paid tribute to more than 100 volunteers for their dedicated service to the health center at a recent event at the Bridgewater Manor. Pictured from left: Dr. Sam Wakim, DMD, Zufall chief dental officer; Betsy Roberts, senior vice president, Fulton Bank (retired); 2019 Volunteer of the Year Dr. Howard Rappoport, DMD; Phyllis Kumpf, Good as New Volunteer; and Eva Turbiner, Zufall President and CEO.

Dedicated Volunteers Recognized by Zufall Health

Somerville, NJ – More than 100 dedicated volunteers who donate time, talents, and energy to Zufall Health were honored recently at the Fifth Annual Volunteer Appreciation event at the Bridgewater Manor. The volunteers provide a wide range of supportive services at the nonprofit community health center which offers affordable medical and dental care to patients in six New Jersey counties.

“We are most appreciative for the enthusiasm and dedication of the volunteers who support our work improving health in the communities we serve,” said Eva Turbiner, Zufall’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Were it not for the volunteers who helped Dr. Bob Zufall and his wife Kathryn establish the health center nearly 30 years ago, we might not exist today.”

Photo staff, keynote speaker and honorees at Volunteer Appreciation event

Zufall Health Recognizes Dedicated Volunteers

Ronald I. Deblinger, D.M.D., Named 2018 Zufall Volunteer Honoree

Somerville, NJ (June 5, 2018) – More than 100 volunteers who give their time, talents, and energy to Zufall Health were honored recently at the Fourth Annual Volunteer Appreciation event at the Bridgewater Manor. The volunteers provide a wide range of supportive services at the nonprofit community health center which offers affordable medical and dental care to patients in six New Jersey counties.

Thursday, February 6: Due to dangerous weather conditions, all Zufall Health offices will delay opening until 10:00 am. We will contact patients with affected appointments to reschedule.

Jueves 6 de febrero: Debido a las condiciones climáticas peligrosas, todas las oficinas de Zufall Health retrasarán la apertura hasta las 10:00 am. Nos comunicaremos con los pacientes con citas afectadas para reprogramarlas.