Patients to stay on the road for good health

New medical van on the horizon for Zufall Zufall Health is excited to announce the successful conclusion of its "On the Road for Good Health" campaign, a fundraising effort launched last year to replace its aging medical van. The current vehicle, which has served patients for nearly 15 years, is nearly ready for retirement due to significant rust damage. Thanks to last year's Be Well Benefit event and subsequent generous donations, including...

How “Cover All Kids” Provided Access to Essential Specialty Care for a Zufall Patient

For 10th grade student Asumi, being a patient at Zufall Health - Dover has meant more than receiving routine pediatric care. With the dedicated support of Pediatrician Christine Pagano, MD, Registered Nurse Maribel Ali, RN, and other providers, Asumi has experienced significant improvements in her self-esteem and quality of life over the past year. In August 2023, Asumi underwent surgery at University Hospital in Newark that fundamentally changed her life, a...