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How did you hear about Zufall?

Are you pregnant and impacted by drug or alcohol use?

Don’t struggle alone. Our staff are here to listen, provide support, and connect to resources.

Zufall Health’s Maternal Wraparound Program provides culturally competent, free, and confidential recovery services to individuals who are:

currently pregnant,
live in Morris, Sussex, or Warren County, and
have a substance use disorder.

Hablamos Español.

Zufall Health offers affordable healthcare services to individuals facing barriers to care in New Jersey.

Read our patient privacy policy.

Thursday, February 6: Due to dangerous weather conditions, all Zufall Health offices will delay opening until 10:00 am. We will contact patients with affected appointments to reschedule.

Jueves 6 de febrero: Debido a las condiciones climáticas peligrosas, todas las oficinas de Zufall Health retrasarán la apertura hasta las 10:00 am. Nos comunicaremos con los pacientes con citas afectadas para reprogramarlas.