Zufall Health is pleased to be an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Zufall Health designates this activity for continuing education credits.

Q. What are the requirements to earn CDE credits?

Registration for the course. You must use a registration name and Zoom email address that is unique to you. Please do not use a common/shared email address from your organization.

Sufficient course attendance. ADA CERP requires that you attend at least 50 minutes of a 60-minute session to earn credit.

  • Webinars – You must attend using a video/audio session. Credit cannot be granted to phone/voice only connections.
  • Each individual in your organization must be logged into the course using their registration link. Sharing sessions with another participant or group viewing is not permitted.

Completion the survey at the end of the course. A link is provided in the chat at the end of the course as well as an email to attendees who completed the course.

    • Surveys CLOSE 7 days after the course date.
    • At the end of the survey, you will be prompted for your Zoom email address, email address for certification delivery, and name to print on the certificate. We must be able to connect this information to your course registration in order to verify attendance to issue a certificate. i.e.,  If you register using the name Kate Smith, but you request Katherine Smith on your certificate and use a different email address, there will be no match and you will not receive a certificate.
    • Not sure if you completed the survey? Take the survey again. Certificate processing prevents duplicates. You can always print a copy of your survey for your records.  Look for the “Print or get PDF of answers” button after you click Submit.
    • Zufall CDE Survey Form Link: https://forms.office.com/r/gnRa2RaaPf

Q. When will credits be issued?

Certificates are processed within 2-3 weeks after the webinar, after attendance has been verified and survey has been confirmed matched to attendance.

Q. How can I express interest in becoming a speaker for Zufall’s CDE program?

Email us at CECourses@zufallhealth.org with the following information:

  • Full name and professional title
  • Updated CV
  • Proposed course title, description, and objectives

Q. How can I opt into notifications about future Zufall Health CDE courses?

You can sign up for our mailing list here. Please add CECourses@zufallhealth.org to your address book to ensure you receive our emails.