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Available while supplies last.
At Eight Locations in New Jersey, We Can Help You With:
Testing for HIV and for other sexually transmitted infections/diseases, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A/B/C, Trichomoniasis, Syphilis, and Herpes. Everyone who gets tested for HIV receives a free gift card!
Medical case management and support services for people living with HIV
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) and nPEP (Non–occupational HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis): Medications to decrease risk of HIV infection from exposure.
COVID-19 and MonkeyPox vaccinations
Linkage to social services that address housing, utility assistance, food access, health insurance, financial issues, substance use, and legal aid
All testing and treatment is handled with the highest level of care and confidentiality.
Zufall Health is a nonprofit community health center providing high-quality, affordable medical, dental, and behavioral health services.
A sliding fee discount program is available to ensure affordable access to all services for people with and without insurance. No patient is turned away due to inability to pay. We accept New Jersey Family Care (Medicaid) and Medicare, as well as a number of private insurance plans. We also offer help with insurance enrollment.