Monkey Pox Vaccine Clinic - Plainsboro

Monkey Pox Vaccine Clinic - Plainsboro

October 5, 2022

Monkey Pox Vaccine Clinic: Wednesday, Oct 5, 1:00 - 4:00 pm at Zufall Health, 1 Plainsboro Rd, Plainsboro, NJ. The entrance to Zufall Health is located at the rear of Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center, where the low brick building meets the silver Medical Arts Pavilion building (near Parking Lot P6).

People who are 18 years and older AND a NJ resident, can get the Monkey Pox vaccine if they:

  • Had a known contact with someone who tested positive within in the last 14 days (these people should contact their local health department).
  • Attended an event where known monkey pox exposure has occurred within the last 14 days OR attended an event/social gathering or plan to attend event/social gathering where monkey pox exposure is more likely.
  • Identify as gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men (MSM), and/or transgender, gender non-confirming, or non-binary AND who have a history of multiple or anonymous sex with partners within the past 14 days or people with multiple sexual partners or who have a partner that has multiple sexual partners.

Call 609.853.7600 to register for an appointment. Walk-ins welcome! Please bring a photo ID.

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Thursday, February 6: Due to dangerous weather conditions, all Zufall Health offices will delay opening until 10:00 am. We will contact patients with affected appointments to reschedule.

Jueves 6 de febrero: Debido a las condiciones climáticas peligrosas, todas las oficinas de Zufall Health retrasarán la apertura hasta las 10:00 am. Nos comunicaremos con los pacientes con citas afectadas para reprogramarlas.