Census 2020

Zufall Health  >  Census 2020

Get Counted!

The Census is here! Zufall is counting on you. We’re here to help you get counted. Everyone needs to be counted because everyone counts.

What Is The Census?

The Census is a count of everyone living in the country that happens every ten years. That includes everyone in your family, your neighborhood, your city, and your state.

  • Respond to the Census Online or by Phone
  • Click here for the response rate in your state or count
  • Learn how you can inspire friends & family to fill out the Census

It’s very important that EVERYONE gets counted. It doesn’t matter what country you came from, what color skin you have, whether you are a citizen or not a citizen, documented or undocumented, newborn or 100 years old, gay or straight. All that matters is that you be counted because everyone counts.

Zufall Health is partnering with state and local organizations to talk about the Census and spread the word to our patients on why it’s important that everyone be counted. As your trusted health care provider, Zufall Health is here to personally answer your questions and help you respond.

The questions on the Census survey provide information that federal, state, and local leaders will use to make decisions about services and projects that will affect your state and community for the next ten years.

You can take your 2020 Census survey with peace of mind. After sending your response, your Census information is kept safe. No one has gone to jail or been deported as a result of responding to the Census survey.


You can fill out the Census online or by phone in any of 13 languages and by TTY/TDD. 

Respond Online

Respond by Phone 

Need more help? Find “How to Respond to the Census” guides in 59 different languages, plus Braille and large-print format, HERE!