Ask Dr. Bob: Why is Checking Blood Pressure Important?

Did you know that half of us have hypertension, or high blood pressure (BP), and that many of us probably don’t even know it? There are few early symptoms of hypertension, so you may only learn you have it when a health care professional takes your BP during a medical exam. BP is the force that moves blood through your body. Increased pressure in your arteries is like increased water pressure...

Zufall Health’s AmeriCorps Program Adds Public Health Cohort

Zufall Health is excited to welcome its first-ever class of Public Health AmeriCorps members in July. During their 11-month term, these 10 individuals will provide health education and training, conduct community outreach and engagement, and work to improve access to health care. Members’ focus areas will include: health equity and the social determinants of health; COVID testing and vaccination support; access to services and reducing barriers to care; nutrition and...

Rippel Foundation Grant to Support Zufall Health COVID Services

Zufall Health has received $25,000 in general operating and programmatic funds from the Rippel Foundation, a national foundation focused on health system transformation. Zufall was one of nine organizations “advancing equitable, sustainable approaches to health and well-being in New Jersey and other communities” awarded funding. The grant marks the second consecutive year that Rippel has provided financial support to Zufall. Eva Turbiner, Zufall President and Chief Executive Officer, said that, like...

En un Nuevo Video, Zufall Health Analiza la Crisis de Salud Materna en Mujeres Negras de Nueva Jersey

En Nueva Jersey, la tasa de mortalidad en madres, un cálculo de cuántas mujeres mueren du mujeres negras se ven más afectadas que las mujeres de otras razas. Una madre negra en Nueva Jersey tiene siete veces más probabilidades que una madre blanca de morir por complicaciones relacionadas con la maternidad. Durante la Semana de la Salud Materna Negra (BMHW, por sus siglas en inglés), desde el 11 al 17 de Abril, en...

Zufall Health Examines New Jersey’s Black Maternal Health Crisis in New Video

In New Jersey, the maternal mortality rate – a measure of how many women die during pregnancy or up to one year after giving birth – is one of the highest in the U.S., with Black women affected more than women of other races. A Black mother in New Jersey is seven times more likely than a white mother to die from maternity-related complications. During Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW), April...

Dele las Gracias a Su Médico

¿Está satisfecho con los médicos de Zufall? ¿Le gustaría hacerles saber cuánto aprecia la atención que usted recibe?  Únase a nosotros el 30 de marzo para celebrar el Día del Médico, un evento anual para honrar a los profesionales de la salud que trabajan tan arduamente para mantenernos sanos. Haga clic aquí para mostrar su gratitud.   El Día Nacional del Médico se celebró por primera vez en Winder, Georgia, el 30 de...

Say Thank You to Your Provider

Are you happy with your Zufall providers? Would you like to let them know how much you appreciate the care you receive? On March 30, join with us in celebrating Provider’s Day, an annual observance to honor the health professionals who work so hard to keep us well. Click here to show your gratitude. National Doctor’s Day was first observed in Winder, Georgia, on March 30, 1933 when Eudora Brown Almond, the...

male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Pregúntele al Dr. Bob: ¿Sabe lo que es la próstata?

¿Sabe lo que es la próstata? Muchas personas no saben lo que es y tampoco saber su función.    En realidad, es una pequeña glándula - normalmente del tamaño de una pequeña nuez – es parte del sistema reproductivo del hombre. Se encuentra en la abertura de la vejiga y ayuda a producir parte del líquido en el semen.   Usualmente, los hombres no son conscientes de esto, pero a medida que envejecen...

male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Ask Dr. Bob: What Is the Prostate?

Do you know what the prostate is? Many people don’t know what it is or what it does. It’s actually a small gland — normally the size and shape of a walnut — that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits at the opening of the bladder and helps make some of the fluid in semen. Men are usually unaware of it, but as they age it starts to grow...